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Department of Iqbal Studies

The Department of Iqbal Studies established at the faculty of Arts and Languages in January 2021. The main focus of the Department of Iqbal Studies is to teach and research regarding Sir Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal, the great poet, philosopher and thinker of the past century. The Department is offering BS, MPhil and PhD Programs in Iqbal Studies. The Department of Iqbal Studies encourages co-curricular activities as well. Majlis-e-Iqbal is a students' society which organizes many activities such as a fortnight literary program where various renowned poets, authors and Iqbal-Researchers are invited. Parents' and Sports day are among the significant events of the Department. Award of best student also has been a unique tradition of the department. Annual research journal “PAYAM” has been approved for publication by the Department.

The main objective of the Department is to make its graduates civilized, cultured, true Pakistani and enlightened individuals. To meet the said objective the Department has signed MoUs with the great Islamic University Al-Azhar Cairo Egypt and Al-Farabi National University Almaty Kazakhstan. To spread globally the teachings, Philosophy and thoughts of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the Department is going to establish Iqbal Study Center in various international universities. It also organizes an international conference annually.

The Department of Iqbal studies believes in cooperation between institution and civil society, so it engages civil society in different activities of the Department. Recently with the cooperation of civil society it has arranged two scholarships namely “SADIQ OCEAN SCHOLARSHIP” for the students of BS and M.Phil programs having worth 1.2 lac.

Iqbal Studies Postdoctoral Research Program (IPRP)


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