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Institute of Soil and Water Resources

Institute of Soil and Water Resources is a newly established institute under the umbrella of Faculty of Agriculture & Environment. The institute aims to fulfill the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nation with special emphasis on SDG-1 (No Poverty), SDG-2 (Zero Hunger), SDG-6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG-13 (Climate Action) and SDG-15 (Life on Land). Moreover, the institute consists of two departments as:

  1. Department of Soil Science
  2. Department of Water Management

The Department of Soil Science was established in 2013 and aims to provide quality education in wake to contribute to the development of agriculture in the Southern Punjab. The department has also established laboratories through external funding equipped with state-of-the-art instruments for analytical work at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The research team specialized in advanced analytical techniques related to Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology, Soil Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis, Heavy Metal Analysis in Soil, Plants and Wastewater, and Water Quality Analysis for Irrigation and Drinking purposes. The Department is also providing analytical facilities to undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers of different departments at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur in addition to advisory services to farmers and local community.

On the other hand, the Department of Water Management is a recently established department which starts its first academic session in BS Water Management in Fall-2023. The department aims to provide the appropriate science and technology background required to manage water effectively and efficiently for agriculture. Moreover, the themes for BS Water Management degree programs are the scientific assessment of plant water requirements and water resources, and the management of efficient irrigation systems. After launching BS Water Management, the department will soon start MS and PhD programs after getting NOC from Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan.


Institute of Soil and Water Resources,

Faculty of Agriculture & Environment

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, 63100-Pakistan

(Baghdad ul jaded Campus)
Contact: 0092-62-9255533
Email: iswr@iub.edu.pk


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